Friday, July 29, 2011

Goal Setting

An article to help me get started on setting goals.

100 Action Principles

I commit myself to read one chapter a day and take action on what I have read from this book.  Click the link to read the book.

Kawawang Birthday Girl

Natawa ako sa reaction ng bata. Wawa naman. - Rence

Making a Difference

     I started this blog at a time when I had just recovered from major depression. A person suffering from depression is difficult to understand and hard to empathize with. It is normal for a person to become "depressed" or sad when he has some problems or loses a loved one, or is going through difficult changes in his life, and will be able to recover from it afterwards, with or without any external help. It is different for a person who is suffering from major depression. His state of mind is filled with hopelessness and helplessness, and it is almost impossible for him to be optimistic. Sometimes it is difficult even to receive help, though help is available.

     I made this blog so that when the time comes that I suffer from it again, I will have the tools to help myself to rise out of it. I have resolved that I will fight and not be beaten by it again.

      Another reason is the hope that when perhaps sometime, someone out there would feel helpless and hopeless, and will stumble upon this page, the tools here, if not I, myself, will be able to help him.  Even if it would only be one person, even if I would not know of it, or even if I would not know him, I will consider that I have not lived in vain, for I have made a difference in someone else's life.